The Texas Citizens Participation Act (“TCPA”)[1], enacted in 2011, is the Texas version of an Anti-SLAPP[2] statute, which have been enacted by over 30 states around the country to protect free speech and the right of association of
The Fox Rothschild Texas Business Law Blog
Election 2016
Marijuana ballot initiatives won big on election night 2016. As recently reported in the Washington Post, voters in California, Massachusetts and Nevada approved recreational marijuana initiatives. And, voters in Florida, North Dakota and Arkansas just approved new medical marijuana initiatives. Washington…
Loose lips sink ships!
The Texas Fifth Court of Appeals at Dallas recently held that a settlement party’s loose talk about settlement terms violated the confidentiality provision of a settlement agreement and excused the other party from making the remaining settlement payments. Opinion
Outside of my work as a litigator I train in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
I am a beginning white belt in jiu-jitsu, while I am entering my 17th year of practice as a lawyer. But the parallels were immediately obvious to me when I started…
In Zen philosophy and Japanese influenced martial arts, there is the concept of Zanshin.
The literal translation is “remaining mind.” But, it really means a state of relaxed situational awareness.
In the martial arts, Zanshin translates into being aware of one’s surroundings and…