Court Procedure and Demeanor

77064643 – online slap, the relationship of men and women

The Texas Citizens Participation Act (“TCPA”)[1], enacted in 2011, is the Texas version of an Anti-SLAPP[2] statute, which have been enacted by over 30 states around the country to protect free speech and the right of association of

I get questions all the time about the enforceability of noncompetes in Texas.  I have to respond in the most-irritating lawyer-like way possible: I say that the enforceability of any particular noncompete all depends on the language of the noncompete and the facts of the case.  That response predictably results in a long period of

I have been writing on this blog about how Dallas County juries have shifted over the years from pro-defense to pro-plaintiff, or at least to a point where most prospective jurors in Dallas County don’t necessarily consider lawsuits a bad thing.  In the era of tort reform, this attitude among prospective jurors in Dallas

Previously I posted about Dallas County juries here and hereLast week a federal jury ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $1.041 billion to six plaintiffs who received defectively-designed hip implants.   Of the total verdict, $32 million was for compensatory damages, and the rest was for punitive damages. The federal jury that ordered Johnson

Contracts are important and “the devil is in the details.” Too often I see business owners and experienced entrepreneurs come to me as first time clients with a serious problem. But when we go to review the contract that is at the heart of the issue, I often find that the contract was not professionally

I recently had a trial that caused me to think long and hard about what is the best evidence at trial.  I concluded that documents, photos and videos beat witness testimony hands down. I believe that a case built around documentary evidence is stronger than a case build on witness testimony.

I think the reason

I recently posted about the recent survey of prospective Dallas County jurors’ opinions and beliefs here.  Based on the survey’s results and my own observations, I felt that Dallas County had changed from neutral to plaintiff-friendly in terms of likely jury panels.  Assuming that blue leans more plaintiff-friendly, the recent election results support my