It seems that a lot is going on in DC these days. In what may have been lost in all the other activity, yesterday the Department of Labor issued a Request for Information seeking notice and comment before issuing revised proposed regulations regarding the minimum salary level required to meet the three most common exemptions
American employees get paid for answering after hours emails; French employees can ignore them altogether
By Fox Rothschild LLP on
Over the weekend the Washington Post reported that France has enacted a new law that allows employees to ignore work emails outside typical working hours. According to the Washington Post, the purpose behind the new French law is to reduce the impact of the stress of work on people’s personal time. While the new French…
On December 1, 2016 More People Than Ever Before Will Be Eligible for Overtime Under the FLSA
By Fox Rothschild LLP on
On December 1, 2016, the salary component of the three most popular exemptions under the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act will go from $455 to $913 per week ($47,476 annually). The immediate impact of this change is that if a company is not paying existing salaried employees at least $47,476 annually, then…